I recently read a quote by the missional teaching pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama and author of "Radical", Dr David Platt. He said: "worship is a rhythm of revelation and response–hearing Scripture and responding with our hearts and lives..." He was responding to the American church’s' infatuation with stylistic identification of churches based on the type of music they play. This practice has so drastically pigeonholed the focus, process and basis of worship that it demands a corrective response! So, a few questions to ask about a corporate worship service that will, hopefully, steer us in the right direction:
Question # 1: What does this worship service reveal about person, work and character of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
Question # 2: What does that revelation demand, by way of response, from the worshippers?
Question # 3: What does the leadership of this worship service invite people to do, by way of response, to that revelation?
Question # 4: Is there adequate time given to respond to the revelation presented in the corporate worship service?
Question # 5: Is your corporate worship service designed, first and foremost, to connect people with God or to make a lost person comfortable? Or both? Or neither?
These questions are complex and require much thought. Don't breeze past the issue without significant prayer and meditation!