Monday, December 28, 2009

Birth on the Brain

I hope you didn't miss last Sunday, where we were blessed to hear from Eddie and Jessica Cole (our church planters in New York City). Jessica sang three incredible songs about the Love of Jesus and then Eddie brought a fantastic message about the phrase in John 1..."the only begotten Son of the Father." He gave us some amazing observations on the relationship to Jesus and the Father, and the sacrifice that was made on our behalf. The more I think about the cross, in relationship to my adoration of Gracie (my almost 2 year old little girl), I am overcome with gratitude!

Speaking of children, love and gratitude, God has blessed the Welborn family with a new addition!!! Yes, Ashley is pregnant with our second little one and we are super excited about it! She is almost 8 weeks along and we have a due date of August 15, 2010. Please be praying, with us, during this time of excitement, exhaustion and expectation!

Thank You for checking in and, I can't tell you enough but, I love being your pastor! It is a sincere joy of my heart to lead this dear fellowship!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

"I'm dreaming (terrified) of a White Christmas"

As I look out my window at a large pile of snow, I am reminded that my car is underneath that pile! Ashley, Gracie and I have been stuck in our apartment for the past 2+ days with no way to go anywhere. This bad weather forced me to cancel services for today and I really didn't want to! However, it had to be done. Okay enough whining, let me make a couple of observations concerning the blizzard (I'm assuming we can call it that) and try to draw some applications...

1.) The verse in Isaiah chapter one comes to mind. "...though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow..." I can't help but think, as I look out my window, that 2 days ago everything I currently see was a different color. The grass was green, the parking lot was gray, the cars were multi-colored, the street light posts were black, the dirt was brown, etc. Well, now everything is completely white! Why? It has been COVERED! As we consider Jesus, it might seem like an oxymoron that someones blood could make something white. But, that is exactly what Jesus's blood has done for our sins; covered them and made them whiter than snow. When we look at the snow, let us pray with the hymn writer..."Now wash me and I will be whiter than snow!"

2.) When I imagined the difficulties I would face when becoming a pastor, I'll be honest and say that the weather wasn't even in the top 50. I have to admit, I am so anxious to get started on so many things, that, I have been less than excited about the "curve balls" the weather keeps throwing at me! Then I am reminded, Psalm 24:1 says "The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof..." So, it's not the weather that's doing this to's God. And, as is the case with anything else in life, I need to seek the Lord in the midst of my frustration and learn what he desires to teach me. I can say this... I have spent more time with Ashely and Gracie in the past 2+ days than in the entire week that preceded this storm. Ask yourself this question, what could God be teaching you when he forces you to slow down (or even stop)?

Please, be safe and enjoy the snow! I am praying for good weather for our Christmas At Cross-link Celebration this Thursday! I look forward to seeing you there!

Until He comes:

Pastor John

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Thoughts...

So, it has been an interesting and exciting 2+ months! Ashley, Gracie and I moved from our hometown of Woodstock, Georgia to Harrisonburg, Virginia in early October. After nine years in itinerant evangelism, God has led us to Calvary Cross-link Ministries in the Shenandoah Valley of western Virginia. During this time of transition, God has given me a pastor's heart for these dear people! This area is one of the most beautiful places God has created!

More recently, my family and I went to New York City to visit some of our best friends. During our trip, we were reminded of the amazing needs that exist in the world today. As I walked around Manhattan, I was more convinced than ever that the world's greatest need is that of the Gospel! From our church in Harrisonburg, Virginia we are making plans to take the message of the cross to our city, region, nation and world. I am so excited about leading that charge from Calvary Cross-link!

In the weeks and months to come, I look forward to sharing my heart with you through this medium. Keep checking back and feel free to comment, ask a question or make a recommendation for future blogs. Take care and God bless! - JW