I recently began a discipleship group with a few guys from Calvary Cross-link, studying a fantastic book by J.I. Packer called "Knowing God." The title seems simple enough, but the book is incredibly challenging in many areas of my life. I was recently challenged by a dear friend and church planter, Vance Pittman, when he said, "Ministry is the only natural outflow of a deep intimacy with God! We shouldn't be shoving our people into ministry, but rather, challenging them to a deeper intimacy with God and THEN ministry will happen more naturally and effectively!" That struck a chord with me, for 2 reasons...
1) It is so hard to get people to invest in ministry that really matters! I plan an outreach time, and 2-3 people show up...but, when I plan a worship service, hundreds are in attendance. Why? Is it because only 2 or 3 people give a "rip" about the lost in this world? No, I think there is a lack of deep intimacy with God happening in the average Christian's life! I'm trying to yell at the cart for not moving, when I haven't even attached the horse to it! Intimacy with God is the Clydesdale that pulls the cart of ministry.
2) No more "dreaming up" ideas on how to grow a church! In fact, the real work is not in creativity, self-discipline or even exposition. The real work is...intimacy with God. That will be the motivator, coach and game-planner for every area of my life and ministry. And another thing...how could I presume to lead people without a deep and abiding intimacy with God? Where am I leading them? hmmmmm
Anyway, doesn't matter if you're a pastor, teacher, evangelist, fireman, major league baseball player, husband, mother, father, wife, doctor, attorney, farmer, business owner, under water basket weaver, teenager or democrat...deepening your intimacy with God will make you more effective at any of that!