I follow around 50 pastors on twitter and, based on the "tweets" before during & after this past weekend, it's obvious that we (yes, WE) all look at Easter Sunday differently than the other 51 every year. Let's face it, it's the protestant version of Superbowl Sunday! Now, there is room for a legitimate discussion about the virtue of this distinction on the part of pastors and churches, but this post isn't the time or place. I want to offer my thoughts on the biggest day in the history of Calvary Cross-link, to date.
1) An Unorthodox Message Seemed to Work - My wife, secretary and staff will attest to the fact that I was more than a little anxious about my sermon on Sunday. Usually, a pastor will preach a rousing, enthusiastic sermon on the resurrection of Christ. But several months ago, I decided to go with an apologetics message on Easter Sunday. I began by establishing the historicity of the New Testament, therefore making C.S. Lewis' Trilemma of Jesus being a Liar, Lunatic or Lord the only the logical possibilities. When the possibilities were examined a little closer, the only one that could reasonably be true is that Jesus Christ is Lord!
My anxiety stemmed from the fact that the message contained a great deal of technical information (2 Diagrams, multiple quotes from historians, archaeologists and scholars). And, from the fact that, when I get nervous, I begin to ramble on & on & on & on & on...you get the picture. So, this seemed like a prime opportunity to go far too long and bore people to DEATH! But, at the end of the day, God used the message and we saw 13 people accept Jesus Christ for who He is...Lord!
2) The Two-Service experiment was a success - One of the biggest challenges in a church going from one service to two is pitifully low turnout in one and a packed house in the other. However, it seems that an early service is attractive to a number of CCLr's, making the transition less abrasive than it would otherwise be. On Sunday, we put 373 people in worship on our campus in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We had 161 in the 9 am service and 192 in the second. Those numbers don't include the 25 or so volunteers that were at both time slots.
In September, we'll go to a permanent two-service Sunday schedule to accommodate the continued growth to Calvary Cross-link. Easter Sunday was a great "dry run" to let us know how it could work. We've still got to work through the details, but I believe we've got an answer to our worship space issues.
3) It only Takes a Taste to Develop a Craving- The two services I just mentioned were not the only Calvary Cross-link Easter Services. In fact, about 10 of our senior adults went to Harrisonburg Health and Rehabilitation Center to lead an Easter service for the residents there. They had 50 or so in attendance and Stacy Meyerhoeffer brought the message. Praise the Lord, a 92 year old woman invited Jesus Christ to be her Savior. The initial feedback is that the Seniors' Class is eager to continue ministering in that context!
In all honesty, this nursing home Easter service was something that the Senior Adult class kind of "fell" into. I praise the Lord for their willingness to step in, but now I can see an obvious passion to minister to people who have largely been forgotten by the world. A taste of this type of ministry has lit a fire within our blessed senior saints and this pastor is very proud!
4) The Calvary Cross-link People REALLY Stepped Up- We ordered 7,500 invite cards to Easter Sunday at Calvary Cross-link. We mass-mailed 2,500 of them and passed out most of the rest. Most of our regulars showed up with lost/unchurched friends/family/co-workers in tow! Also, our music & production team worked double duty on Sunday showing up at 7:30am and not leaving until around 1pm. Their families accommodating the demanding Easter Sunday schedule was essential as well! I am super proud of these team members.
5) I am going to need to get in better shape before September- I love to preach! After doing so, I am emotionally and intellectually fired up! However, I am physically exhausted after a 40-50 minute message. So, I am going to need to lose some serious weight before committing myself to two of those in a 3+ hour period every Sunday. I feel a little like a weakling for mentioning it, but unfortunately it's very true.
Lastly, I can say that this is merely the beginning of what God has in store for Calvary Cross-link. Next year, we'll look back at Super Bowl Sunday 2011 as a "good start" to managing the growth of this fellowship! Jump on board and help us steam full speed ahead!