I spend a great deal of time every week preparing sermons. I'll study original languages, do word studies and consult about a dozen commentaries in the process. All this is in addition to the prayer time and context reading from the Bible that each sermon demands. Once the preparation is finished (typically by Thursday afternoon), I'll let the message sink in to my life over the next 2 & 1/2 days. I quote my mentor and pastor, Dr Johnny Hunt, when he says "my sermon is finished, but it's not ready" once the writing process is completed, because I've got to respond to the message before I ask anyone else to.
This is not a novel idea for anyone who has ever taught the Bible at any level. I don't suppose I'm breaking any new news on this subject, but I came to my own realization last week and I'd like to share it with you...
I found myself asking God to guide the presentation of my message as much as he guided the content of my message. If it's true that many people will pay more attention to "how" I say something than to "what" I say, then my presentation needs to communicate the crux of the message as much (if not more so) than the content. Do you follow?
This past week, I was preaching the 2nd of Jesus' Beatitudes from Matthew 5:4 "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted." The crux of the message is that Jesus is calling us to Godly mourning over personal sin and societal sin. Well, in preaching this message to the hundreds gathered at Calvary Cross-link, I became extremely emotional. I could not finish my message and found myself absolutely broken over sin: my sin (first), my church's sin and my country sin. I was overwhelmed with the reality of my sin, past & present, and broken over the fact that Jesus not only died for me, but was also comforting me! It was a tough pill to swallow.
This is something that, in 14 years of preaching, has NEVER happened to me. I am a very passionate person, but not an emotional person. I rarely cry, choke up or break down in any situation, but God brought me to a breaking point over sin and then pushed me over to communicate this concept to Calvary Cross-link. No lie, I turned into a big, sweaty, red faced, cry-baby in front of my whole church! Tears and snot went everywhere while I attempted (with a high pitch whine) to conclude the service. I wanted to find the nearest exit and leave before talking to anybody (didn't happen). You can listen to an edited version (Thanks Robert) of the sermon at www.calvarycrosslink.org and hear for yourself.
I wish that I could tell you that revival broke out and the spirit of God was poured out on our fellowship. However, that wasn't the case. Most eyes were dry, wide in surprise, but completely dry nonetheless. Very little response to the altar or visible response to the message was apparent. I assume the days to come will tell the story of how well we obey Matthew 5:4.
Even if there is no difference, this preacher has been changed and I believe that this situation is a direct result of my praying, "Lord, guide my presentation of Your truth as You have guided my preparation of Your truth."
I fear that there is more of this to come...
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