Wednesday, August 8, 2012

From South America with Love (Part Two)…

Once the dates and details were set for our mission project in Cordoba, Argentina I began sharing my heart for this project with the Cross-link family each Sunday.  I offered an opportunity for people to join me for nine days in South America for a Pastor’s Conference, ESL Training in Public Schools and Vacation Bible Schools.  After several weeks of promotion, I had two men on board with me.  One was my Director of Evangelism and Discipleship, Terry Ross and the other was my Director of Hospitality, Patrick Simmons.  To the Glory of God, all three of us raised the necessary funds without any expenses from the Calvary Cross-link budget.

(Left to Right: Terry Ross, Will Herndon, Me, Patrick Simmons,
Daniel Beard, Sherry Anderson, Pastor Tim Anderson, Glenn Price)
Our Trip to Cordoba started on Wednesday, March 21st when we left Calvary Cross-link, headed for Richmond International Airport at 9am.  We didn’t arrive at our hotel in Cordoba, Argentina until noon on Thursday, March 22nd.   After a quick nap, the evening was spent planning our week with the 4-person team from Clements Baptist Church in Athens, Alabama and our AMAZING ground man, Will Herndon, over some delicious Argentine steak.  I don’t think any of us were quite prepared for what God was going to do in, through and around us over the next few days.

When we arrived at the International Congress for Revival Pastor’s School on Thursday night, there were over 400 pastors, lay leaders and ladies in attendance.  These sweet brothers and sisters were so gracious, grateful and passionate for the opportunity to attend this experience.  Very few, if any of these church leaders had any formal ministry training whatsoever, so they were eager to learn!  We challenged them to solid leadership and sound doctrine for the next 2 & ½ days.  Every time Pastor Tim & I preached, they furiously took notes, hanging on every word.

Worship Service Attendance at ICR School
It should be said, that my experience in preaching through a translator is limited but I cannot imagine a better translator than my new friend Will Herndon.  Pastor Tim and I could literally preach and he translated right over the top of us.  It was an incredible sight to behold and experience!

I was told, over and over again, how much this conference meant to the pastors and church leaders in attendance.  They emotionally shared how they were challenged, encouraged and equipped for greater ministry impact for the Glory of God in Argentina.  This was great to hear.  However, I believe that the experience had an even greater impact on my life than it did theirs.  As I worshiped Jesus in a language I didn’t comprehend, I sensed the moving of the Holy Spirit in my own life that was calling me to a deeper level of commitment to the “end of the earth” section of Acts 1:8.  I knew this would require a re-prioritizing of my ministry calendar, budget and focus.  However, I knew that this special calling on my life didn’t just affect me, but all those whom I have the privilege to lead…to be continued…

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