Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Energy to Energize Others

All areas of life require balance. Andy Stanley was teaching last year on that very subject, making the argument for appropriate amounts of tension. I try to imagine my ministry & family traveling a road that runs between two very attractive (but also very destructive) ditches. I'll take them point by point:

My identity is not found in family or Ministry. My identity is found in Christ who is the Author & Perfecter of it (Hebrews 12). This is central to Energy to Energize Others!

It would be so easy & comfortable to lose myself in my amazing family who adores me. Many have done exactly that! To the detriment of all other relationships, ministry opportunities or job opportunities, they have sold out to their family and are enjoying that comfortable ditch. No question: I pastor my family before I pastor anybody else in my life, but why must it be "either-or" instead of "both-and?" Why can't I disciple my 4-year-old and an orphan nobody wants at the same time? Why can't I love my wife and lay my life down for her, while also challenging other men to do the same with their wives? Why can't I lead my family in such a way that I am leading other families as well? Simple Answer: I can and I should! It takes balance to stay out of the Ditch of Worshipping Family!!!

It would be so easy and comfortable to lose myself in my career. After all, my job description is to "Lead Calvary Cross-link to Impact the Valley & Bless the Nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ." Who wouldn't want to sell-out to that? I could (and have) work 80-100 hours per week and not scratch the surface of all that needs to be done here. But, it's not God's intention that I reach all the children of the world while mine go to hell without Jesus! My pastor is known for saying, "The light that shines the farthest shines the brightest at home." I believe the key is embracing my career with my family deeply involved! And, the most important part is making sure that my career flows out of my deep and abiding intimacy with Jesus. Balance keeps my focus clear!

Part of my role as Lead Pastor of Calvary Cross-link is coaching people to their God-given, Christ-honoring potential. One of the greatest "zappers" of energy is feeling like I am failing at something that I can ill-afford failure. Settling into either one of the ditches is a sure-fire way to drain all energy. My energy to energize others comes from a balanced life between the ditches!

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