Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Question: When was the last time you heard any form of the word "INTENTION?" I would guess, in the vast majority of cases, the last time any of us heard (or spoke) of "intention" it was explaining a negative experience (i.e. "I had good intentions...I didn't do it intentionally"). The negative connotation is too bad because almost NOTHING in our lives happens without intention! Did you wake up this morning and "accidentally" take a shower, trip over the tub and spontaneously brush your teeth on the way to the floor? I seriously doubt it! You probably, just like I did, intentionally took a shower and purposefully brushed your teeth. You walked to your car, intending to drive it to work and arrived at work on purpose!

On the other hand, what would your day look like if you show up at work with body odor, bad breath, walking in 2 hours late and try to explain to your boss your good intentions. "I intended to take a shower, brush my teeth and drive to work on time! Honestly I did! But, I didn't!" Do that too many times and you'll be looking for a job!

I am discovering that intentionality is equally as necessary for the disciplines of the Christian life. We don't witness, worship or walk closely with Jesus on accident. We have to be intentional about it! I deeply want to see people come to Christ, but if I am not intentional about my witnessing there is very little chance that I will EVER lead anyone to Jesus! I want to have a handle on Apologetics and be able to sufficiently defend my faith, but if I never get intentional about the books I'm reading or the classes I'm taking there is no way I'll achieve my goal!

Church Ministry MUST BE INTENTIONAL!!!!!! Here are the 2 major areas we, at Calvary Cross-link, are going to be intentional...

1) In Reaching People - We'll be constantly sharing Jesus, Preaching Jesus, Singing about Jesus, Inviting people to hear about Jesus, Showing Jesus to people, Bringing people to Jesus and Talking about Jesus! It's all about People meeting Jesus! This INTENTIONALLY happens in Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday School Classes, Organized Outreach and Special Events. This valley is not going to be reached ACCIDENTALLY, we must be INTENTIONAL!

2) In Discipling People - We'll be mentoring people and modeling Jesus before them. Discipleship is "LIFE ON LIFE", not book on book, sermon on sermon or class on class. Our focus is to SHOW people, more than we TELL them what a disciple of Jesus Christ looks like. New believers won't be discipled ACCIDENTALLY, we must be INTENTIONAL!

Final Note: The major reason most Christians intentionally brush their teeth EVERY DAY, yet don't reach and disciple people every day is NOT because they don't care! It IS because they have been intentionally brushing their teeth since they were 2 years old and have formed a POWERFUL LIFE CHANGING HABIT!!! I want to lead our church to be so consistently intentional about Reaching and Discipling People that it become habitual...second get the picture!

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