So, I've only been "on the field" here in Harrisonburg for 3 months and, believe me, it has felt like only 3 weeks. However, I promised my family (all 20 of them) that I would take a week in Gatlinburg, TN. I really am looking forward to some time away, but after hosting a local camera crew last Sunday and having some fantastic publicity last weekend (See the clip:, I really hate to leave right now! But, I am finding that there is NEVER a good time to take a vacation in the life of a pastor! So, off to ole Rocky Top we go!!!
I've been reading Han Finzel's "Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make" and it is a fantastic book. I would say that I am "enjoying" it, but since I keep seeing more of myself the more I read, the operative word might just be "enlightening!" He points out that delegating work is important, but in order to effectively lead, one must delegate authority. This is a challenge for me, because I tend to want to make the final call, but in order to succeed as a leader that must change in my life! Our unique set of challenges at CCL preclude me from being able to hire staff to carry out certain ministries, therefore I am in a situation where I must cultivate volunteer leaders to fill roles that would, typically, require full-time staff. I am blessed to have amazing people surrounding me at CCL whose comittment to Christ permeates every fiber of their being! They have, and continue to step up to meet the challenges we face! Praise the Lord for the challenges we face! "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation worketh patience, and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh no ashamed for the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us!" - Romans 5:3-5
I really enjoyed reading that book as well. I hope you are doing great!